Buy with Prime

Buy with Prime partners with select merchants to expand Prime benefits and allow shoppers to enjoy exclusive perks beyond Amazon.

Art Direction

Marketing Campaigns

Web Design




Marketing Campaigns

Prime Day is a big day for both Buy with Prime and its merchants. Our team’s goal was to not only drive awareness to the Buy with Prime brand, but also drive traffic off of Amazon and directly to merchant product pages. We shot merchant products in-house to produce consistent imagery, designed webpages for shoppers to explore participating products, and produced video and social advertising.




Prime Day Style Guide

Merchant Products

UI Assets

Back to school

Whether heading back to school or off to college, we wanted every student to feel like they can succeed in class and celebrate their authentic selves. We don’t have deals, so in order to stand out and add value prop to our campaign we appealed to the individuality and uniqueness of the learning experience. To do so we leveraged influencer’s representing each audience segment to share unique finds via Buy with Prime that fit their (or their kids’) vibe.

Art Direction



Landing Page Inspiration

Merchant Products

UI Assets


Amazon Halo